It has also created a trust to give grants or loans to theaters and producers.
The Group suggests that tax incentives be given to producers of greener cars, and to consumers who purchase such vehicles.
These companies already give preference to local producers, but have not had the legal backing of community rules until now.
Would efficient sewage companies make a profit from compost and give rebates to prolific producers?
He would open more areas to oil drilling, encourage greater use of nuclear power and give tax breaks to domestic producers.
The national award is "given to producers that exceed standards set by educators, scientists, artists, librarians, parents, and yes, kids themselves."
"And so they're giving a freer creative hand to producers whom they trust."
This is an intervention by which due recognition can be given to agricultural producers and to those who process agricultural produce.
We will also learn lessons from how that reform, which gave greater negotiating powers to producers within producer organisations, was applied.
Indeed, I think that, in these regions, including our outermost regions, we should perhaps give more protection to small producers.