Also, its nocturnal caterwauling during the breeding season gave rise to tales of orgies and secret feline ceremonies.
The name refers to the German term Humoreske, which was given from the 1800s (decade) onward to humorous tales.
Relatively little is known of their customs, giving rise to an air of exotic mystery and often to fanciful tales.
The tempest almost immediately gave rise to tragic tales.
In their Luke and Mirandy farm-report program, Jim played a farmer who was given to tall tales and face-saving lies for comic effect.
This can prove frustrating for new players, and has given rise to hyperbolic tales of housecats cutting down promising young heroes in their prime.
Soothing yarns eventually give way to harrowing tales of racism and murder.
It gave rise not only to a new religious movement of tremendous vitality, but also to tales of miracles and wonders.
Shahrazad continued to tell tales, which gave rise to other tales, all of which were unfinished at dawn.
Abel added that the skulls of cave bears - ursus spelaeus, half again as big as grizzlies - could have given rise to tales of dragons.