Nevertheless, Karungu had already given its name to the bay and the administrative division.
If they were going to do anything they ought to give it to the criminal division of the Justice Department.
Over time, as emotions became symbolized and interactions ritualized, religion became more organized, giving a rise to the division between the sacred and the profane.
Following this parade, however, all Polish forces were withdrawn from the city and control was given to the Ukrainian 6th division under the control of Petlura's Ukrainian government.
TsAGI gave the task to the division led by Andrei Tupolev.
This eventually gave rise to the division of the community into three bodies.
This gave rise to the division of the interphase period of the cell cycle to G1, S, and G2 phases based on the synthesis of that extra DNA.
In early references, these variations give rise to the division of the formation into the 'Fairlight Clays' and the 'Ashdown Sands'.
It gives its name to the local district ward of Hambleton District Council and to the local electoral division of North Yorkshire County Council.
The nickname 'Idritskaya' was given to the division on July 23, 1944 by the order № 207 for it's heroic battle in the town of Idritsa.