Presently, a timely service is given to the inhabitants of capital island Mal'e and nearby islands.
The English army took the town by storm on Good Friday 1296 and gave no quarter to the inhabitants.
This I believe will soon put a stop to all depredations and give ample security to the inhabitants and their property.
According to oral tradition, the Caliphate gave permission to the inhabitants to cultivate vineyards and make wine.
The reason for the fences is to give security to the inhabitants against the increasing violence in Rio de Janeiro.
That cargo was given to the inhabitants free, a charitable attitude which Cromwell considered detrimental to the spirit of trade.
When the Marines arrived, they gave orders in English to the inhabitants to evacuate the village.
Apparently all of the information we were given pertains to the inhabitants of the cities.
From this time he allowed a number of churches to function and gave many advantages to the Byzantine inhabitants.'
Once finished, it was given to the inhabitants of the block as a gift.