Its backtracking may have been just a bargaining tactic to get the best deal for giving up its nuclear program.
Iran states it will not give up its nuclear program (including uranium enrichment).
"This is our way of making clear that we will join the Europeans in giving Iran positive reasons to give up its program."
The alternative to giving up their program, he warned, is to "continue down a path that is going to lead to confrontation."
"I do not believe the international community is under any illusions regarding Iran's willingness to give up its nuclear program," Lieberman said.
The announcement came as international pressure on Iran to give up its nuclear program has intensified.
"It is still not clear if they are ready to discuss giving up their nuclear program on a serious basis."
Furthermore, the mullahs insist that they will never give up their "peaceful" program.
February 19 - North Korea agreed to give up its nuclear program, for oil.
Energy-poor North Korea has been seeking the reactor as the price for giving up its nuclear program.