The show famously showed a live birth and gave instructions to women viewers about breast self-examination.
The film was advertised as having a "deeply poignant theme of pure love", which would give viewers "a good perspective on the Eastern mentality.
The "real life, real answers" campaign gave television viewers what seemed like a peek into other people's private lives.
In effect, it offers radio listeners a variation of what TiVo recorders give television viewers.
Cable gains by being more specific in giving different viewers what they want.
Ms. Haddow also said that to be most potent, the commercial should give viewers "a sense of place."
But aside from the occasional traffic jam, the Internet can give viewers what they're looking for when they want it.
A Day in the Life - Gave viewers the opportunity to look into the daily lives of student-athletes and other personalities from Conference institutions.
Ian G. Rae, the station's executive vice president, says a good newscast should give viewers "a comprehensive view of what happened in the world."
It gave viewers, not just the networks, control over what was watched.