A few seconds later, she rolled over and gave the foreign devil with the funny name a long, grateful hug.
There have been other communities where the name of Idogho is given to children and many more with the name of Idogho.
She told a Japanese person that she would like to have an Akita dog; one was given to her within a month, with the name of Kamikaze-go.
Its name is given from a hill and a town with the same name.
"Okay, I know, what gives with the funny name?"
She gave him a piece of paper with the name of Quince Garbe, and he gave her an envelope with five one-hundred-dollar bills.
Only the key ring Dr. Abrahms had given her, with the name and address of Barton's Institute, had brought him to her.
Everyone was given a card with half the name of a show; when they found the person carrying the other half ("Excuse me, do you have "Gardens"?)
"Computers are like Magic to people", says Paul, "So lets give them Computer Magic with the Sorcerer Computer" and hence the name.
Rambola was given the Virakta Diksha (Vairagi initiation) with the new name of Tulsidas.