I hated that I'd been given an experimental secret formula without my consent.
The Midrash deduced from this that a fatherless maiden may not be given in marriage without her consent.
'- It also says that a woman may not be given in marriage without her consent,' Jehan countered.
"Nonetheless, Lieutenant, I can't give you files on works in progress without the boss's personal consent."
Bad enough my good captain was so rude as to give you access to my laboratory without my consent.
All he had to do with it was a cell he'd given her with no such aim, without even his consent for its use in this fashion.
They said they could not give more details about his health without his consent.
I would know, however, whether the easing was given with or without her consent.
Thirty-eight percent of professionals reported giving confidential information to a patient's family member without the patient's consent, and 53% had observed this behavior.
A signal which, of course, could not have been given without their consent.