The series debut was preceded by a large marketing campaign which included posters on buildings, giveaway items in bookstores, and ads on Nickelodeon TV.
Other options include imprinting your company name and graphic identity on pens, paper, clocks, calendars and other giveaway items for your customers.
Those who answered correctly were given play money to be used at the end of Mrs. Grisanti's spiel to "buy" giveaway items.
There are all kinds of giveaway items teams use to lure people.
They argue that sales are ultimately undermined when the mixtape leaps from promotional giveaway item to replacement for an artist's official label-distributed album.
The four days of book displays were coupled with parties, luncheons, musical entertainment and giveaway items ranging from books to book bags to wristwatches.
How many brochures, giveaway items and other handouts you need to bring depends on how many people you expect to see.
Steinbrenner testified that both took various giveaway items - "great bulks of them."
Both provide creative products to help build patient loyalty and promote practices with giveaway items, promotional postcards, greeting cards and more.
Such "giveaway items" are harmless, it said.