A culture and its texts, Barthes writes, should never be accepted in their given forms and traditions.
Upon raising a power to its fourth rank, the player must choose to evolve the power into one of two given forms.
Unbeholden to a given form, format or material, this work offers multiplicity, not importunity.
There are a million ways to get to any given form.
For many years artists have seen the "reality" of things, they have painted it and given form to that "reality" I am talking about.
Meaning of a morpheme with a given form varies on account of its immediate usage environment.
How much experimentation is done within a given form is what gives a film a fresh image that can attract audiences.
Earlier radio communication systems had to be made expressly for a given form of communications: telephone, telegraph, or television, for example.
It's time you knew your dearest friend is no more than evil given form and substance.
There were other beings as well, creatures summoned out of the spirit world, dead things brought to life, evil given form.