The cake is better than Mom ever made, and the extra 20 minutes make no difference, given the glacial progress of the meal.
And, together with the glacial progress of the case, it intensified complaints that Judge Ito had lost control of his courtroom.
No other Games has achieved that feat and, despite £250m of investment a year, adult participation targets have been scrapped in light of glacial progress.
Politicians have even speculated that glacial progress at ground zero could ding the governor's legacy as he considers a presidential run.
However, the "glacial progress," as Mr. Wojnilower terms it, will eventually reduce our trade deficit by dramatically reducing American wages and standard of living.
Some of Brazil's poor international image stems from the Government's glacial progress in renegotiating payment terms for its $60 billion foreign debt with private banks.
The end, considering the glacial progress of the disease, came with whirlwind speed.
Mrs. Oakley complained that only "glacial progress" has been made in the investigation.
Normally, she didn't dwell on her homeworld and its glacial progress, but she was stuck in the command center, waiting.
The Americans, frustrated by their glacial progress in the hedgerows, were increasingly critical of Montgomery.