Attrition can also occur in glaciated regions, where it is caused by the movement of ice with embedded boulders over surface sediments.
In the adjacent glaciated regions, the glacial retreat left behind drift which buried all former topographical features.
Glacial erratic that was deposited in the glaciated region of Kansas during the Pleistocene era.
It is a large, steep peak in a heavily glaciated region, and presents serious challenges to mountaineers.
Another water source in the Great Plains is wetlands, with the greatest concentrations located in the northern glaciated region of the plains.
On his arrival she put him to work with the team designing second- and third-generation plants for the glaciated regions of the northern hemisphere.
They ducked under the fallen elevator cable in a glaciated region midway up west Tharsis, and followed the cable downhill west for two days.
The glaciated regions are usually referred to as hill country rather than mountains.
They have not been found in other glaciated regions of the world.
Outwash kettle lakes are usually shallow and their numbers are much smaller than in other glaciated regions.