I thought I had it when I won my freedom from the gladiator arena, only to find polite society viewed me as little better than an animal.
And is it a mere coincidence that the Titan Barbarossa requested exactly that as a reward when he defeated your fighting machine in the gladiator arena?
Later, as Arthas starts taking on the responsibilities of a prince, he visits Durnholde Keep, seeing Thrall fight other adversaries in the gladiator arena.
Minotaur - A Minotaur resided in a labyrinth that contained a gladiator arena as seen in "Gladiators."
It felt like a gladiator arena.
In June 2012,excavation revealed gladiator arena with many wild animals remains - those of a bear and of a camel.
Eventually, the cruise turns into a post-apocalyptic civilization, with gladiator arenas, marauders, capital punishment, and the cruise director serving as king.
These Deviant Mutates are often sentenced to fight to the death in gladiator arenas for the amusement of the Deviant populace.
Then they forced Wulff to fight Uproar in a gladiator arena to the death.
His thoughts went instantly back to Raag and the gladiator arena in Istar.