He openly supports Lucien later on, and helps him escape with the others after the gladiator fight.
They just raise their hand along with an eyebrow and, like in a gladiator fight, one team dies, another marches on...
Historians have very little specific information about gladiator fights.
It was used for gladiator fights and horse races.
You are witnessing a gladiator fight and you don't know what will happen.
At first, gladiator fights followed the deaths of rich people, but the games were always about death.
During Roman times, the theater was also used for gladiator fights.
The last record of gladiator fights is about 435, while animal hunts continued until at least 523.
Football is just a modified version of the gladiator fights.
Few of us would consider it morally acceptable to go to a gladiator fight or a dogfight.