Sazed would gladly serve as the man's ambassador.
Even those who gladly served the Wizard usually preferred to do so from a safe distance.
Stunning pastas share top honors, and the restaurant gladly serves half portions as appetizers.
In exchange for being given a home, Fuji gladly served as the crew's houseboy.
I will gladly serve for a term, after which you will be able to educate the people of Darkover to choose their own representatives.
My own commanders look up to you and, should we come to an agreement, would gladly serve under you.
This team spirit mirrored a society in which it was assumed that every able-bodied man would gladly serve his country or risk social ostracism.
Any man will tell you that if an apprenticeship is called for, he himself will gladly serve as instructor.
He would gladly serve humanity if it happened also to serve himself.
Only since Darius is male, she will gladly serve him sexually if he wishes it.