Usually she does those, you know, the glamorous, superficial roles which I guess supports her career.
Also, Anushka's popularity increased because of her more glamorous role in the movie.
She described her character as "the first glamorous role I've had".
So why should a man more used to glamorous roles want to play a mean old miser?
There are times when Stern feels as if he were playing a glamorous role in a movie that does not end.
But it's not the most glamorous role, no matter how expertly he plays it.
She has never done a full-on glamorous role before and Players should change the perception.
She seldom resorted to glamorous roles and graduated to playing older women in the late 1980s.
It was one of the most glamorous roles I've ever played.
Those were not glamorous roles, and deglamorizing seems to be a winning career move in Oscar terms.