She pointed to the long, flowing lines of a big convertible in a glamorous setting.
In the not so glamorous setting of her car, she then played another to produced DJ Poet, and the deal was sealed.
He responded with a performance perfectly suited to the glamorous setting by David Rockwell.
In other instances some furniture may need removing or certain pieces rented to provide a more glamorous setting.
As a result, lobbyists and others are still paying big sums to spend time with powerful lawmakers in glamorous settings.
This glamorous setting is enough for many patrons.
By the time you arrive in the swirling lights of the city's most glamorous setting, you are in another world.
Although a glamorous setting is a bonus, what really counts when you go to a spa is the therapist.
The band's management employed marketing and poster campaigns said to be ahead of their time, with band members in glamorous settings not common to the day.
That glamorous setting is one of many, many theatrical cues and flourishes featured in the new book.