Other medical conditions can also affect potassium levels, including liver disease, kidney disease, and adrenal gland disorders.
Surgery or medicines can treat many adrenal gland disorders.
It is also used to test for an adrenal gland disorder (Cushing's syndrome).
Low blood pressure may be a sign of a variety of illnesses, including heart failure, infection, gland disorders, and dehydration.
Learn about salivary gland disorder causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention.
For example, it may be due to certain mental conditions and endocrine gland disorders.
One Web site suggests that the children may have had an endocrine gland disorder called secondary anemia.
This can be caused by a pituitary gland disorder.
Adrenal gland disorders are challenging to diagnose, but if left untreated, they are life threatening and can be very deadly.
Article: Preoperative preparation of patients with pituitary gland disorders.