Despite glimpses of strong play, the Knicks have shown glaring deficiencies.
The game was an offensive explosion in the first half, and the Knicks followed form by showing a glaring defensive deficiency.
The results were symptomatic of the team's most glaring deficiency, offense.
Free safety is not the only place the Giants will be short this weekend, it is only the most glaring deficiency.
A large shield was planted at his feet, strategically placed so as to cover the more glaring deficiencies of his wardrobe.
Finally, for 1999, an available second sliding door remedies the Windstar's most glaring deficiency.
The good news was that an examination of their capture's weapons systems had shown some glaring deficiencies.
The most glaring deficiency for the Nets was their 37 percent field-goal shooting.
The Nets' most glaring defensive deficiency on Friday was on transition.
Doctors and terrorism experts have long said that the lack of such a system is one of the most glaring deficiencies in the nation's biodefenses.