It doesn't matter that much who you round the team out with, but the Heat obviously do have their glaring holes, interior scoring being a huge one.
But more glaring holes exist in their starting rotation.
He has had a good career, but one with a glaring hole.
Pierce, 26, fills perhaps the team's most glaring hole on defense since the departure of Mike Barrow after the 2003 season.
The most glaring hole, they say, is the absence of a downtown movie theater.
We would use trades and the free-agent options available to fill in the most glaring holes with other veterans.
And if you're not someone who uses Firewire, absolutely arrange to disable it completely if you can because it's a big, glaring hole.
The omission of definitions of a severity classification was a glaring hole in the whole proposal.
Their spirited performances help cover up glaring holes in the plot.
The most glaring empty hole is along Route 1 where the Ford assembly plant used to stand.