At the beginning of glass research it was most important to know the relation between the glass composition and its properties.
Unless otherwise stated, the glass compositions and many experimentally determined properties are taken from one large study.
Yes, for a given concentration of UV-absorbing material, if it makes part of the glass composition.
Urbanowicz creates glass compositions mostly for prestigious public utility buildings and company premises, but also to residences.
Experimental planning, expected properties and appropriate glass compositions can be estimated from similar data.
Design of glass compositions that that are not patented by the competition.
They experimented with different glass compositions and methods of heating the glass.
They have a similar chemistry to the glass composition of the Finlay tephras.
A high resistance to earthquake and directional shock, despite its abundant glass composition, was an integral feature to its design.
New chemical glass compositions or new treatment techniques can be initially investigated in small-scale laboratory experiments.