Just as tinted glasses conceal his dark eyes and bushy brows, silence hides parts of the tailor's bittersweet tale about his brother's efforts to join his family in Brooklyn.
Naturally he wears glasses to conceal his eyes, and is an invalid since he does not want to run the risk of meeting Ridgeway.
After Archanfel gets his claws into him, the glasses conceal the fact he now has cat-pupiled eyes.
Willett had never seen the man, but had heard much of his aspect and bearing, and could not but wonder what sort of eyes those much-discussed dark glasses might conceal.
Stained glass with grotesque figures concealed the view behind the door.
Not even the dark glasses could conceal her thoughts, they were as clear as if she had spoken them aloud.
Dark glasses concealed his eyes.
He had broken his leg in the winter and the dark glasses concealed a mouse that had the thrilling reds and purples of a late winter moon, cloud-buried and observed by some yearning and bewildered youth.
His opaque glasses conceal his eyes most of the time.
There were reports of aliens skulking about American cities wearing luxuriant whiskers and dark glasses to conceal their non-human features.