Outside, glass glittered on the tiles.
It glittered altogether too much; sometimes glass glitters more than diamonds because it has more to prove.
The faceted glass glittered redly.
The wreck had been hauled away, glass still glittered on the pavement and the flames long smudge across the face of a building.
Outside, the steel and glass of midtown Manhattan glittered in the sun.
Metal and glass and mylar, plastic and ceramic surfaces glittered as brightly as the day they were first fabricated.
His glasses glittered at Marcus from the top bunk.
He speaks slowly and distinctly, his brown-rimmed glasses glittering in the lights of the arena, where the team had a light shoot-around.
Broken glass glittered.
Hyatt's glasses glittered as he left the driver's seat, sat down at one of the remote terminals, and hooked a modem line into the laptop he'd taken from Raven's suite.