I worked alongside him all afternoon, rinsing heavy glass negatives under running water, but he didn't say anything more to me.
As well it holds original photos and glass negatives from the dawn of the automotive era.
Due to long storage and general circumstances, the glass negatives were in very bad condition.
The glass negatives can be referenced through 84,298 records using image-navigation.
This includes 21,800 large-format glass negatives, and around 3,000 prints.
The vast majority of his glass negatives were then destroyed.
Printed directly from 8-by-10-inch glass negatives, the pictures are extremely detailed.
Here he took photographs of landscapes made on glass negatives.
Many of these became well known and prints from the original glass negatives are still in demand.
There are also 1,797 glass negatives that cover the period between 1909 to 1920.