It is made by sintering together glass particles into a solid but porous body.
The glass particles slowed or curtailed yeast growth as a function of increasing particle concentration.
I even saw one horror story of marijuana being sprinkled with glass particles to make it look more potent.
This was in an effort to remove any glass particles left in the cabin.
His glasses shattered on impact, and glass particles lodged in both eyes.
Kite fighting kites' main tether lines have sharp glass particles bonded to the line.
Another risk is that small pieces (screws, glass particles) of the glasses may dislodge and then float into an astronaut's respiratory system.
Most of the damage would likely be to the small intestine; the glass particles would perforate the lining.
The strike plate to ignite the match may contain one more of the following: glass particles, red phosphorus and glue.
These ions are protected by glass particles so that they can be delivered to specific locations rather than as a liquid solution.