Heavy glass tumblers set hard on a counter.
She wrenched it from the rack while grabbing glass tumblers with the other hand.
The company manufactured pressed and blown glass tumblers, being the largest such manufacturer in the nation.
Rummaging within, he drew out a bottle and two glass tumblers.
He filled two glass tumblers with water and added a splash of something that smelled like it was trying to be gin.
He picked up a common glass tumbler and bit a semi-circle out of it.
The two priests held a colloquy, and then the younger brought him about four ounces of something dark brown in a glass tumbler.
Next to the lamp is a glass tumbler filled almost to the brim with a red liquid.
We ate in the dining room-tablecloth, glass tumblers, real china.
Place the mint leaves, lemon juice and sugar syrup into a glass tumbler.