The furniture was kept to a minimum: an inexpensive glass-top table from the Door Store and a giveaway sofa from a neighbor who was moving.
The little restaurant will not win any design awards with its simple wood paneling, glass-top tables and framed posters of root vegetables.
The 25-year-old goaltender severed nerves and tendons in his left wrist when he fell on a glass-top table last spring.
Blue-and-white checked cloths under glass-top tables add a sprightly touch to otherwise nondescript decor.
The restaurant is suburban modern, with black carpeting, beige walls, black plastic chairs and glass-top tables.
Under each glass-top table is a woven mat, and the entire look is simple but immaculate.
She was busy checking her makeup in the reflection of the glass-top table beside her.
Atmosphere: An informal storefront cafe-bakery, with display case in front, glass-top tables along one side and in rear.
They were sitting in a plush waiting room full of glass-top tables and design awards.
The glass-top tables were set with heavy cutlery and cloth napkins, which fanned out of wine glasses like peacock tails.