Its gleaming dome was far shallower than he remembered it, and now lay many meters closer to the sun-baked street.
He paused before the gleaming dome, savouring the moment.
The palace was a large white building topped by graceful minarets and a gleaming, jewellike dome.
She began to walk toward the Medtech facility, a gleaming dome which flamed in the noonday sun.
They hit a man where he's most vulnerable - on the gleaming dome above his forehead.
Scarpa would crush any resistance at Toea, but he would not live to see the gleaming domes of the imperial capital.
The little hair that remained on his gleaming dome was pure white and wispy, like a spindrift of snow blown across the tundra.
A trainer friend with a gleaming dome came by in a car and shouted congratulations to Van Berg, who was surrounded by reporters.
Behind him, invisible now, lay the gleaming geodesic dome of Marsville.
The Capitol's gleaming dome of white-painted cast iron presides over a city of few verticals.