Some Republican strategists gleefully predict that Rockefeller could make the plutocratic President look downright prole.
Both cars and driving just weren't as much fun any more; there was, in fact, an anti-auto lobby gleefully predicting the demise of the private motor vehicle.
Many in the opposition coalition gleefully predicted his ouster by the end of the year.
Rivals somewhat gleefully predict that if the conflicts with clients continue, they will cost Goldman some business.
This morning, though, Stephens gleefully predicted her demise at Forty Niner's hands in that race, while stepping up his needling of Lukas.
Many Republicans are gleefully predicting widespread victories.
Not unexpectedly, Republican leaders in the district have vilified Ms. Margolies-Mezvinsky, gleefully predicting that she had severely damaged her chances for re-election next year.
So it looks like those who have been gleefully predicting the end of the euro within a matter of days could be out of step.
A popular bumper sticker here in the Florida Panhandle gleefully predicts the President's defeat in 1996.
I have agreed to pay off a bet with a friend who had rather gleefully predicted a steady flow of body bags from the battlefield.