Benny glided quickly across the empty space, his feet just missing a corner of the displays.
Casey Childs's fine direction quickly glides over the slow spots.
With the way now clear, The Shadow glided quickly to the ground floor.
I started down the hall, quickly gliding by each door until I came to 1018, and touched the numbers to announce my presence.
Gliding quickly along the floor, The Shadow neared the open door.
He glides quickly through the clubhouse before games, perpetually organizing himself or his affairs.
The rather frantic strikes are often combined with attempts to quickly glide away.
Out in the night The Shadow glided quickly away from the window and disappeared into the darkness.
The Shadow turned and glided quickly across the living room.
The car glided quickly through the town, then swerved abruptly, turning right onto a road that hadn't existed a year earlier.