The robot must have come gliding quietly through the thickets on their left and emerged almost directly below her.
The boat glides quietly down the estuary, a wide expanse of blue water with wooded banks.
She unlocked the door and a man glided quietly and swiftly inside.
A large pallid creature glided quietly through the air above him.
Gliding towards him quietly she saw that he was asleep and stopped to study him.
He left his room, glided quietly down the hail, entered the dropshaft.
The Gettysburg made a fat target as she glided quietly through the night.
The cable car glided quietly through the night, heading toward the inner waterfront.
He was gliding quietly through the unlocked gate at the street end of Pier 139.
Then she wriggled toward the tombs through the long grass, gliding quietly from one patch of shadow to another.