The 1-2 was the second a line of 38 glider designs that the Schweizers created and the first of over 5700 aircraft built by them.
This patent references earlier teachings affecting powered hang glider design.
This competition was open to any new American glider design that had not been flown at a previous National Championship.
The glider design was built and flew from 1946 until the project was ended around 1950.
Most of the company's hang glider designs are intended to be folded down to a small size for man-packing up mountains.
His first glider design was tested on a beach near Calais, but was not successful.
Early glider designs used skids for landing, but modern types generally land on wheels.
The aircraft failed to progress beyond the prototype stage, being overtaken by larger, improved glider designs.
Through the 1880s several aviation pioneers emerged in different countries around the world all perusing glider designs with varying degrees of success.
The mid 1970s underwent significant improvements in hang glider design as manufacturers were bringing out new and improved models at a fast rate.