When she at last returned, the silver knife was glittering white, and Tabaea really didn't think it was just a trick of the light.
At the final shore of the Ring Sea the waves were sudsy with salt in solution, and the shore was glittering white.
He came back with something that glittered white in the moonlight.
There was a frost in the morning, and the grass glittered white.
The outer walls of the terminal were glittering white, although the intensity of that glitter varied slightly.
Depending on how light struck the ice, its facets glittered blue or white or green.
Power crawled over his skin, glittering white in the close morning sunlight.
The many eyes of the castle, glittering white in the moonlight, watched his approach with the indifference of total power.
Warren sat at a table, grinning monstrously, watching three nubile young girls all dressed in glittering white.
The magic was glittering white; it filled the air around them all, flooding from every Bazhir present.