In the not so distant future, the world is faced with a global catastrophe.
Many other global catastrophes could have occurred as a result of the asteroid impact.
In 2003, the world successfully fought off a new disease that could have become a global catastrophe.
"No one could predict the global catastrophe 10 years later, and Iran may be the same."
But are we really experiencing the start of a change in climate that could trigger a global catastrophe?
They are certain that the use of fossil fuels is leading toward a global catastrophe.
From the vantage point of ground zero, it looks like a global catastrophe in the making.
We don't want a global catastrophe that will wipe out millions of people in an instant.
They probably boarded it at the time of the global catastrophe.
These disasters, while significant in themselves, may be only a portent of a greater global catastrophe to come.