The important thing is to be the prime contractor in selling to companies and you can't do that unless you provide global connectivity.
Great strides have been made in recent years to enhance global connectivity, particularly in the developing world, through the use of mobile technology.
The terminal has a global direct connectivity to over 80 ports in 45 countries.
It is a foremost demand to politics to create such a political landscape of global connectivity and cooperation.
The spread of the Internet and other forms of technology has led to increased global connectivity.
This period focused on the mastery of information and communication tools which led to online communities and global connectivity.
Concerts aim was to build a network which would provide easy global connectivity to multinational corporations.
In particular regional airports and the communities they support would benefit greatly from the resulting increased opportunities for global connectivity.
They may also provide network access to the Internet, which has no single owner and permits virtually unlimited global connectivity.
The most critical ones are: local and global connectivity, and resiliency.