"But instead of negotiating for years and spending millions of dollars on a global convention, we want quick action."
European negotiators successfully pushed for language leaving open the possibility of a global convention in the future.
Democrats Abroad held a global convention on April 12, 2008.
Germany is in agreement with the global conventions that protect the rights of the child.
It has called for a global convention outlawing all toxic waste trade schemes - and it needs your support.
Other global conventions and treaties with implications for International Waters:
This meeting and a subsequent schedule of talks at the ministerial level are intended to lead to a global convention on climate change by 1995.
Summit organisers had hoped to produce three global conventions for signature in Rio, but these were blocked.
The statement urged development of a "comprehensive global convention" for the protection of the atmosphere by the year 1992.
For nearly a decade the United Nations has been discussing a global convention on terrorism that seeks itself to define terrorism.