The global deployment of the British Royal Navy led to the renown and wide consumption of the product.
The selection was made based on three criteria - Innovation, proven momentum in its field and potential for global deployment.
Its fleet is based around two main types of surface combatant, with limited global deployment and air power capability.
Performed global deployments and training until inactivated in 1963.
The system was Tempest certified, leading to global deployment in American embassies after the Iran hostage crisis.
On November 12, 2012, Soladigm announced a name change to View and that its commercial-scale dynamic glass product is ready for global deployment.
The Army might be called on to rotate in fresh forces to replace its 101st Division, despite a consensus that it is the military branch most stressed by global deployments.
Beginning in October 1962, the squadron, having been redesignated as a tactical fighter unit, conducted tactical operations and training in preparation for global deployment.
The restructuring of America's global military deployments, which has been under discussion for several years, also envisions closing scores of smaller installations in Europe as a cost-cutting measure.
These advanced power systems projects will provide a springboard for widespread, global deployment.