In the 1980s, Hoài was mandated by the Vatican with the responsibility of shepherding the global Vietnamese Catholic diaspora.
The website markets itself as a website for the global Irish diaspora.
"D.D.L.J." both acknowledges the global Indian diaspora and revels in its globe-trotting freedom.
(In addition to the domestic market, Indian television is also delivered via satellite and cable to the global South Asian diaspora.)
Hindu civilization, located chiefly in India, Bhutan and Nepal, and culturally adhered to by the global Indian diaspora.
It's a global diaspora, an international culture and a metaphor with fantastical associations for the West: gold, savages, "darkest," "deepest," liberation, devastation.
"Until 1900, when New York replaced it, Warsaw was the heart of the global Jewish diaspora," Ms. Junczyk-Ziomecka said.
The Arab diaspora is a global diaspora distributed across many continents.
No pressure Alan but a billion Chinese are counting on you now," writes Paul Stares (part of the devoted Spurs global diaspora).
It exists as a place to experience the lively sounds from all types of cultures within the global diaspora, a fact reflective in its slogan the "Home of Universal Music".