She left P&G in 2006 after four years as the company's global diversity & inclusion manager.
It is no stranger to the sensitivities of the masses, the realities of global diversity.
It is a new way to view the distribution of global linguistic diversity, to assess the threat of language extinction, and to.
On average, the global diversity of the biosphere has increased secularly.
I tried to picture all the combustions that are essential to the human ways of life in all their global diversity.
Wilcox and Murphy also argued that habitat fragmentation is probably the major threat to the loss of global biological diversity.
Phanerozoic trends in the global diversity of marine invertebrates.
This important step increases awareness about immigrant professional potential and creates "internal advocates for global diversity."
Ideally, shows like "Buenos Aires 1910" should support global diversity.
I took away an understanding of the dignity and character of global diversity.