It aids in the global division of labor, distorting the domestic economy of developing nations.
It was simply that every planetary psychozoic enclave passed from a state of global division to one of integration.
The league structure was organised with the five global divisions.
Q. How does the global division of labor work?
It would be naive to believe that Western consumers haven't profited from these global divisions since the earliest days of colonialism.
The initial league began in 2007 with seven tournaments over five global divisions, based upon previous world rankings.
During the cold war, the major global division was between liberal democracy and Marxism, both of which are Western notions.
Every global division and all but one major business unit enjoyed an increase in sales.
He was responsible for managing the beta testing of 3Com's networking and communications products for three of their global divisions.
This has resulted in regional specialization and, effectively, the creation of a global division of labour.