The student profile of the most recent Class of 2012 consists of global executives, whose average age is 39 and who have 16 years of work experience.
The interest communities of the CMO Council include over 20,000 global executives across nearly 100 countries.
Like many global executives, perhaps his biggest long-run worry can be traced to China's rising industrial power.
The student profile of the recent 2010 class is 65 global executives, whose average age is 40 and who have 15 years of work experience.
Q. Where are U.S. companies finding these global executives?
This framework proposes four broad domains of volition, planning, purposive action, and effective performance as working together to accomplish global executive functioning needs.
Bob Jeffrey, global chief executive, based in New York, will oversee the Ford account until a successor is named.
"The global executive from India is moving into senior regional and global roles, leaving behind a void in the local market," he said.
Written for a sophisticated audience of CEOs and other senior global executives, each issue centers on what makes companies succeed.
Many global executives also distance themselves from the trade issues that are stirring so much concern in Congress and the Bush Administration.