Japanese, British and Italian designers have joined the French to make a personal impact on global fashion.
Karmaloop is a multi-platform web retailer specializing in global urban fashion and streetwear.
Parameters like initial values, rate constants, and scaling factors can be fitted in an experiment-wise or global fashion.
Along with mass-marketed informal wear in general, blue jeans are arguably one of US culture's primary contributions to global fashion.
His major contribution to global fashion this season is a skirt shaped like a stiff cylinder be neath various supple tops.
In this may lie the key to American designers' retaining their hard-won place on the global fashion scene even as the tide of romanticism rises.
The patient is first shown complete physical relaxation in global fashion.
Men and women favor "western-style" clothing in their daily lives due to the comparative convenience as well as the influx of global fashion.
Firstly, political practice is developing in such a way that we can only confront global threats in a global fashion: all united.
Background The advent of microarray technology has enabled scientists to investigate biological questions in a more global fashion.