Federal World Government, a concept of a democratic global government.
They are both remiss not to dread global government's potential for brutality.
They think their solution is better local government, not global government.
It is a global government that was formed by a 'rich mans' club' of wealthy nations.
Then a small group came to her and said they were exploring possibilities for the first executive council of the new global government.
I told them to stick with tents, no global government, so there wouldn't be so much power to suck, but did they listen to me?
Known to insiders as the Foundation, it is an institution dedicated to the development of a single global economic government.
All humankind rally under one global government where the three main factions of the game control the world's decisions.
There's never going to be a global government to impose the rules the protesters want.
The ideological quagmire that we have fallen into is called global government.