In this way, he revealed how social practices in parts of Asia disrupt the global hegemony of liberalism.
Britain's affluence and global hegemony, he wrote, depended on its endowment of coal, which the country was rapidly depleting.
They said the United States "is apparently attempting to seek absolute military supremacy and even greater global hegemony."
Such politics stress the local or the specific without assuming that they constitute the starting point for a global hegemony into which they will be subsumed.
By the end of the decade Sherman saw the U.S. policy in the Balkans as inseparable from the drive for global hegemony.
There's no talk of benevolent global hegemony or a new American century or a world of imminent threats.
He has a deeper concern: he challenges the notion that the United States, or any single power, can achieve global hegemony for any length of time.
Doubling since September 11, 2001 resembles panic response or attempt at global hegemony.
By 1900 this dynamic and disruptive civilization had moved far toward global hegemony.
The term seeks to explain the rapid decline of Europe's global hegemony and the emergence of the European Union.