Every major country is more preoccupied internally, and less focused on global management, than was the case a decade ago.
The fourth approach is through a new "perspective course" in global management, with faculty from the fields of religion, political science, history and economics.
They do this by utilizing their global management and financial expertise.
The office is currently one of the main office's for Mott MacDonald, the global management, engineering and development consultancy.
Others will knock at the door as the transition to global management develops.
"I take an active approach to global management," he explained.
The solutions are not bound by one or more economic theories and create a new paradigm for global management of finance and economic management.
The extent of linkage between issue-areas, and the global scope of contemporary problems such as environmental degradation, suggest the need for more effective global management.
How could the United Nations be reformed to facilitate global management of global problems?
A recent initiative, Earth Condominium alerts for the need of a global management of some earth resources like the water or the air.