The setting is formal and the global menu is grand.
In its place, after a $2 million renovation, is Arabelle, with a new chef, Raymond Saja, and a more contemporary, global French menu.
The new Unity-based desktop shows a task dock on the left-hand side of the screen and a panel at the top with an embedded global menu.
It is a disaster with global menus because when you swipe the mouse up to the menu bar, it changes if you happen to pass over another window.
Geronimo, 724 Canyon Road, (505) 982-1500, has dazzling white adobe walls and a global eclectic menu.
The Harrison, despite its global menu, has a bent toward plain American style.
A rotating global menu is also featured.
The restaurant, which is now Coco Pazzo Teatro, will have 90 seats and a global menu.
With the new look comes a new global menu, although the chef, Raymond Saja, remains the same.
The classic mode's default configuration doesn't have a global menubar-the menus remain in their individual windows.