Its mission is to manage the Navstar Global Positioning System satellite constellation for global navigation, time transfer, and nuclear detonation detection.
This was a vital aid to the efficient global navigation of British warships and trade vessels.
Global land and sea area allows global navigation and sailing.
Satellite global navigation, with position accuracy down to twenty feet, time down to the hundredth of a second, and groundspeed down to the quarterknot.
Omega system of global navigation.
Many historians consider the feat of the crew of James Caird to be the most impressive of all global navigation.
These systems allow the free flow of information across platforms that open up our global markets, enhance weather forecasting and environmental monitoring, and enable global navigation and transportation.
This is located under the global navigation and tracks the path you follow through the site.
"This was the first clock with an escarpment stable enough to work at sea, to make global navigation possible and thus world trade," he added.
American forces rely heavily on satellites for communications, global navigation, location and tracking of targets, and collection of intelligence.