Growth slowed considerably in 2001-05 as part of the global economic slowdown.
China's economy grew nearly 8 percent in the first half of 2001, bucking the global slowdown.
Such investment has been depressed in recent years by the global economic slowdown.
Nor has the global economic slowdown made the task easier.
China's economy, defying the global slowdown, has had economic growth rates of 7 to 8 percent in recent years.
"Yes, the global slowdown is playing a role as well, but at this level of exchange they can't really compete."
Israeli stocks have also been hurt by the global slowdown in technology spending.
Soon after, the company was hit by a global economic slowdown and then the events of 9/11 took place.
However, growth is down in 2008 to 6% due to the global economic slowdown.
Brazilian growth, which has been hurt by the global slowdown, is expected to be less than 2 percent this year.