The accord among 53 nations would regulate the $500 billion global telecommunications services and equipment industry.
But alongside the industry's search for its direction after such turmoil are trends that threaten to destabilize global telecommunications further in 2003.
What has happened is that technology and global telecommunications have combined to transform the very form and content of popular music.
In the ever-changing global telecommunications markets, learning the game well means gaining a thorough understanding of industry dynamics, he said.
His research included contributions to the digitization of national and global telecommunications networks.
Yet in a world with global telecommunications this is rarely a problem for customers.
If they can get through all those wickets, they could move to be one of the biggest players in global telecommunications.
Intelsat is an international organization supported by 114 countries that provides global telecommunications through a network of satellites.
A generation later, as global telecommunications exploded in use, the Reagan hands-off position largely remained the order of the day.
In the new world order of global telecommunications and digital media, corporate money pays for commercial technology, and the talent follows.