Others say they are here as a temporary stop on their global wanderings, planning to head to India or South America next.
The books, which offer spiritual lessons, include a 20-volume series about the global wanderings he undertook after he left Lebanon permanently in 1976.
The themes of the songs are his personal feelings inspired by journeys to Uruguay and Spain, his global wanderings, and the universal wonder of everyday moments.
The Pacsafe brand was initially inspired by the turtle and its independent global wanderings.
A STARK summary of the global wanderings of the Australian writer Christina Stead makes clear that her life was an unusual one.
Mr. Ackermann, for example, has covered one wall of his niche with a tangle of white lines on black that might symbolize his global wanderings in the service of his politically oriented art.
Also check out the remarkable teak door in the courtyard, carved by Herbert Vladimir Meyerowitz with scenes representing the global wanderings of the Jews.
Ava decides not to leave him and instead devotes herself to satisfying his sexual fantasies, while helping him write a novel whose exploration of erotic inner space will parallel his previous global wanderings.
Ms. Jardine, as she surveys the creation of 16th-century opulence, introduces us to an immense cast of characters whose very global wanderings illustrate the modern internationalist character of the time.
The global human wanderings were just beginning.